About me

I’m a fifty something living in the Wirral observing the area around where I live.  When I started the blogsite and regained my interest in photography in 2012, I dusted off my much superceded Canon 20D digital camera and my trusted two zoom lenses: Tamron 28-300mm and a Tamron 10-24mm. I upgraded my camera in 2014 to a Canon 5D MkIII along with a Canon 17-24 and a Canon 100-400 zoom lenses.  I also use a Fujifilm XE-1 with 18, 16-24 and 50-230 Fuji lenses as my lighter travel kit.

25 thoughts on “About me

    • Hi Stu

      The path to access the Vyner tunnel can be picked up either on the corner of Upton Road and Windermere Road or down the side of the Phoenix Futures residential home on Upton Road just down from Noctorum Lane.


  1. Hi Brain

    Just wanted to say how much I’ve enjoyed looking through your amazing images.

    I’ve been searching the web for images of the giant Royal De Luxe street puppets and would love to use, with your permission of course, one of your images of the giant girl puppet in an in-house publication I’m designing at the moment for Amey. I would of course make sure you are credited in the publication with your consent.

    Many thanks, Sue Cameron

  2. Hi Brian

    I just wanted to how beautiful your images are, I’ve really enjoyed looking through them.

    I wanted to ask you if it would be possible to use one of your images in a publication I’m designing at the moment for Amey – its one of the giant street puppets. I would of course credit yourself if you’re in agreement.

    Best wishes, Sue

  3. I’ve only recently come across your blog and am learning such a lot as I am not familiar with your area. You bring everything to life. I am avidly catching up on all your previous blogs and appreciating your photos.
    My deepest thanks for improving my knowledge of Northern climes.
    Lise in Brittany

  4. Hi Brian,

    Thank you for such a wonderful piece on the Welsh Streets and Birkenhead. You’ve captured some lovely images. Do you know if these houses still stand or has demolition already taken place?

    Kindest regards,


    • Hi Tarun

      Thanks for your kind comments.

      The houses in Birkenhead have been demolished and the site has already been redeveloped with new homes. I may publish a post on the new homes!

      The Welsh Streets in Liverpool are still boarded up and the UK Government’s Communities Secretary has recently overruled the City Council’s decision to demolish these homes. So they will be standing for a while longer.

  5. Hi Brian,

    Many thanks for your response.

    Great to know the Welsh Streets will be around for a bit longer!

    Look forward to future posts.

  6. Hi,

    Great blog – I wonder if you can help me.

    I’m working on regeneration work to do with Woodside and trying to establish the height of the train station tower.

    I’m also wanting to try and find the dimensions of the former grasshopper chimney both in diameter and total height, if at all possible, perhaps you or your community could assist.

    It may be possible to get access to the scale model in the town hall at some point but it would be brilliant if someone could assist me with any sources of information.



    • Hi Martin

      I haven’t got any information on the height of the train station tower. I usually find the people at the Wirral Museum are very helpful but I’m not sure if the service is still operating at the present time.

      Sorry I can’t be more helpful.

      Best wishes


      • Hi Brian,

        Thank you for your response.

        Your comment answers the question in a way, although my query was not about the train station tower, it was about the former chimney to the old grasshopper site : sorry I had not made that more clear.

        The chimney is evident on the scaled model in the town hall-and my next step was to try and gain access to that so we can scale it.

        I have photographs of the model, but we could do with precise dimensions of the height and girth of the chimney as we are discussing tall buildings with the local authority within the regeneration scheme and have referenced the size and bulk of this structure .

        Thanks again.



        Sent from my iPhone


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